Thursday, September 6, 2007

A day of exploring

On Labor day we packed up the kids, met Michael, Jessica and Tim from Gebbs and hit the road for Calhoun County. The story behind the exploration is from Karla & Josh's wedding last Saturday. On our way from the Ceremony to the reception Coby got a glimpse of an abandoned church and thought it would be cool to shoot there. So, we found the church. It was privately owned and the owners were not home. We decided not to shoot around there anyway, due to the 300 or so duck decoys that covered the place!

Off we went with Tim in the lead this time. We came across an abandoned house, but the trees and brush were so thick we couldn't get close to the front. Next we went into Brussels, IL hoping we would have better luck. The best thing we found there was the Whittmond Hotel, a great place to eat. If you are going to go to the Whittmond, be prepared to eat!

We took the Brussels Ferry across the river, and headed to Elsah. The following pictures are from a tunnel that one of our clients told us about.

Dueling videographers Michael and Tim:

Coby messed around with a couple of images he took of Jessica in the tunnel:

I have to admit it was a little creepy in the tunnel, too many spiders for me!
If anyone knows anywhere cool to shoot let us know! We are always looking for out of the ordinary, even run down or abandoned places to shoot.


Anonymous said...

The elders at our church said it was O.K. for you to use the barn at our church as long as you're not going inside (unsafe)! Who's got your back?!

CMAX Photography said...

Alyx, this is AWSOME! Thanks so much!
I'll let you know when we are able to shoot there.