Tuesday, September 18, 2007

LST 325 WWII Ship

A couple of weekends ago the LST 325 Navy ship was in Alton. You could see it right out the studio windows. The ship saw action in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Coby was able to take a little time out of his busy schedule to go and take a few photos of it. If you are interested in touring it, the ship is stationed in Evansville, Indiana and the crew of about 40 or so take it from port to port showing it off.

This was taken from the studio on the second floor.

A couple close ups of the ship.

LST stands for Landing Ship Tank, the LST 325 carried tanks in the hull. This tank was actually used on the set for the Clint Eastwood film Flags of Our Fathers.
If you ever get a chance to tour the LST 325 I recommend it. It is always great to be able to experience a little bit of history.

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