Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Alton Expo

We had a pretty busy weekend. Of course we had a wedding on Saturday (images coming soon), and Coby had an engagement session on Sunday (images also coming soon). We like to spend some quality time on Sundays with the kids, so we took them to the Alton Expo for a little while. From the pictures I would say that we all had a little fun!

Emmy LOVES the carousal, she is a horse girl!

Coby is a master at taking pictures of himself with the kids.

Emmy didn't know what to think of the boats at first, but she did make it back for a second ride!

Cameran rang the bell!

Brennen chilled in his stroller.

One of my all time favorite games is Skee Ball. I am not very good at it, but I was better than Coby!
Princess Emmy won a crown at the duck game.

Cameran was a good big brother and went on the helicopter ride with Emmy.

Got to love the Carnival Art!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I buy some of that carnival art?