Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Pirate Fest!

Sunday we surprised our son, Cameran, with a trip to Pirate Fest in Wentzville, MO. I found out about the festival by looking through the Show Me St Louis website. The kids had so much fun that I think we are going to have to go again next year! Next weekend is the last weekend, so if you can make it out there I highly recommend it! Don't forget to dress up in your best Pirate costume. Check out some of the pics:

Brennen seems to have fun no matter what!

Emmy loved her tatoo!

Cameran and Emmy got to go digging for buried treasure.

Pirate Cam was captured!
Coby and Cameran got to shoot water balloons at each other. Cameran did pretty good hitting Coby's ship, but in the end I think Cam was wetter than Coby!

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