Friday, September 28, 2007

Check out our new prop!

We just bought this funky new couch from Contemporary Living Furniture. We are going to get to test it out tomorrow at our very first "Picture Party". Check back soon to see how it worked out.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

We got an award!

This totally caught us off guard. Last night we were awarded a certificate from the Alton Historical Commission for all the work we have done on the building. There was an award ceremony at Alton City Hall. We aren't even done with it yet! Here are a couple of pics of us with our award.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Brennen and Emmy

Can you believe that Brennen is 3 months old already! Tuesday we did a mini photo session with him to show off how he can hold his head up and smile! At the end of his first year I will put together an album for him. Of course Emmy had to get her picture taken too! Cameran was at school when these were taken, but I do plan on letting him have his own session soon.
Just in case you are wondering, both outfits came from The Grapevine! Can I just say again, I love that store! My favorite clothing line from there is Zutano.

Brennen went from this.... this in a matter of a second!

This is Emmy! At first she did not want to get her pic taken but then she really hammed it up for the camera!

All 3 of our kids really do have a great relationship with eachother!

Tori, Mark & Family

Tori and Mark were one of our first wedding couples. We had such a blast on their wedding day, and we have kept in touch with each other through out the years. We did some pictures of the family when Cooper, their son, was only about a year old. Now that the family has grown, it was time for some new pics. Here are just a few of our favs:

Mark, Cooper, Tori and Finley!

Tori and Mark, thanks for all your support over the years. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Pirate Fest!

Sunday we surprised our son, Cameran, with a trip to Pirate Fest in Wentzville, MO. I found out about the festival by looking through the Show Me St Louis website. The kids had so much fun that I think we are going to have to go again next year! Next weekend is the last weekend, so if you can make it out there I highly recommend it! Don't forget to dress up in your best Pirate costume. Check out some of the pics:

Brennen seems to have fun no matter what!

Emmy loved her tatoo!

Cameran and Emmy got to go digging for buried treasure.

Pirate Cam was captured!
Coby and Cameran got to shoot water balloons at each other. Cameran did pretty good hitting Coby's ship, but in the end I think Cam was wetter than Coby!

Katie & Jeff's Wedding

Last Friday we had the pleasure of photographing Katie and Jeff's wedding at the Butterfly House! We first met Katie and Jeff at the Kirkwood Bridal Showcase a little less than a month ago. We are so glad that they found us, They are such a fun couple! Following are a few of our favs:

Katie had 2 pairs of shoes, one for the ceremony and one for the reception. Both pairs were HOT!

Katie let us have a little fun with the hotel window. The wedding party got ready at the Hampton Inn and Suites in Chesterfield.
I think Katie use to be a model, she really knew how to work the camera which made our job very easy!

All the girls worked the camera.
They had an awesome limo with bat wings! I think everyone had fun with the car!

Here is Jeff, waiting for his bride. The ceremony was absolutely beautiful!

One thing that Katie told me is that Jeff LOVES desserts! They had a whole table full of them. Russo's catered the event, I must say that the food and desserts were wonderful.

At the end of the night Katie wanted to do some more romantic images in the pavillion.
Katie and Jeff, THANKS for such a great time! We are looking forward to doing a fun shoot in the next couple of weeks!