Thursday, September 25, 2008

My sister the Artist

I want to do a little bragging about my sister, Donna Castellanos. Most people know about my niece who creates Pockit Palz, but what you don't realize is that my niece really does get her talents from my sister. She is known as a salvage artist because all her works of art have some piece that has been salvaged. You can check out some of her pieces on her Flicker site, just click on her name above.

I still have hopes of opening part of our studio as an Art Gallery, and hope that Donna will be one of the first artist to have a show. I might need to include her whole family as they each have a very unique talent.

Here are just a few of Donna's pieces of art, and yes they are all for sale.

Altered Vintage Necklaces

This is one of my favorite pieces. Painting on board with old frames on top and bottom. Her skirt is a pattern of gold leaf and little screw hooks. The title is "Joan", named after our mom.

Santa's hat is from and old pie tin. She painted his face on canvas. The letters are old stamps and typewriter keys

This is the Be Bowl. We actually have a sample of this in our studio. These make great gifts for showers, birthday parties, anniversary partys, etc. They come with wooden beads that guests can write creative sayings on. Feel free to contact the studio if you want more information on Donna, or if you are interested in exhibiting when we move forward with our art gallery.

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