Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Snow Day

So, on Sunday we had 75 degree weather. Today we had a blizzard, at least by St. Louis standards. We easily got 8 inches of snow today! What is one of the best things to do when you have that much snow? Besides skiing of course! Take the kids sledding!! So we loaded up the kids and took them over to Coby's parent's place where there is a huge hill.
Check it out:
Emmy was very brave & went down by herself!
I only went down once, but I was booking.
Emmy getting a free ride from dad.
Cameran lost his sled, so he decided to go down without one.
Brennen slept in the car most of the time. When he woke up, he was amazed at all the white stuff!
Wipe Out!!
Coby, thinking he can snowboard on a plastic toboggan!
Cameran after an excellent run.


Carrie said...

Great pictures! Looks like you all had a fabulous time!


CMAX Photography said...

Thanks Carrie. We did have a blast! To bad the snow melted the nest day.