Monday, August 18, 2008

Just a few miscellaneous stuff

School- It is hard to believe that the summer is over and school starts tomorrow! Cameran is looking forward to seeing all his friends again, but a little hesitant on starting 4th grade!
Emmy starts pre-school this year. I can hardly believe it!

Big things are happening- Stay tuned for lots of big news coming up, and some big changes!

Come see us at the Frontenac Hilton this Sunday, the 24th for a bridal show put on by the Kirkwood Chamber and St. Louis Bride Magazine. If you mention our blog and book us at the show their is a bonus!

Olympics- Congratulations goes out to all the medal winners at the Olympics. Michael Phelps is now one of the greatest athletes EVER! I was glued to the T.V. for everyone of his races.
Kudos go out to 41 year old mom Dara Torres who snagged two silvers! I only wish I was in that great of shape after having my kids!
And then there is our gold and silver gymnastic stars, Nastia and Shawn!

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